Woman's Missionary Union is an organization which strives to challenge Christian believers to understand and be radically involved in the mission of God, by doing, praying, giving, and missions education. Since its beginning in 1888, WMU has become the largest Protestant missions organization for women in the world, with a membership of approximately 1 million.
Hawhammock WMU consists of the following groups:
1. Women on Mission (adult women's group)
*meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:45pm*
2. Mission Friends (preschoolers ages 3-5)
*meets Sunday evenings at 5:00pm*
3. Children in Action (children in 1st -6th grades)
*meets Sunday evenings at 5:00pm*
Other church ministries associated with the WMU include a State Missions Emphasis and offering in September, Backpacks for Appalachia in October, Operation Christmas Child in November, Week of Prayer for International Missions and Lottie Moon Christmas offering in December, Children's Banquets in February, Week of Prayer for North American Missions and Annie Armstrong Easter Offering usually in March, Christmas in August to collect supplies for North American Missionaries, and Secret Sister Prayer Partner Ministry all year.